Thursday, October 18, 2012


Susan Barnes
I liked this piece of work by Barnes, because of how she has a very nice set of smooth water, but still  edges it out by putting in box shapes.

Roger Kizik
 Roger Kizik's work all is somewhat like this, with very wavy lines and vibrant colors. I liked this one because there is so much going on, but still when you  look at it as just one painting you can tell  what it is and appreciate it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In this image i used 15 different green images and cropped, adjusted color, and layered them all to make one bigger image. Making the layers look natural and not choppy was the biggest challenge in this project.


This assignment is playing with the different colors and backgrounds of the musician and the notes. I tried to make the image pop off the page yet stay true to the tie die background.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Visual puns

 With these visual puns i took different parts of different images to make one visual pun for each image. I used the overlay, gradient map, threshold, and posterize tools to give the image a different look. I had to focus a lot on the layers with this project so that the image would not look awkward.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


On this image i used wordle and took a quote from former florida quarterback Tim Tebow. I then put a picture of him infront of the quote and added color and size variation. I added green, blue, and orange because that is the university of Floridas team colors.